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Posted on: July 18th, 2016
MacDonald Consultants (MDF) recognizes the value of assisting their clientele. That’s why they have recently partnered with GrowthCorp Alliance, LLC (GCA), a leader in the human resources and payroll field.
GCA’s powerful Small Business Productivity Suite called EXTO (designed to assist small to medium-sized business owners achieve greater financial success while saving both time and money) has been recognized in the business world for its ability to bring together business necessities (human resource management and payroll) as well as employee discounts and perks all into one affordable, efficient solution package!
Posted on: May 25th, 2016
The new minimum salary level for the executive, administrative, and professional employee exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) will be $913 per week, or $47,476 per year, under final regulations that will be released on Wednesday, May 18, 2016, by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). This new salary threshold—which will become effective […]
Posted on: February 27th, 2016
AS SEEN ON FOX NEWS a website that accepts nominees from the top business and personal advisors worldwide, is pleased to announce the selected top performers the week of Februay 15, 2016/ Denver, CO – February 14, 2016 COEA recognizes Laurie MacDonald as a top professional in Health Insurance and Benefits – St. Petersburg, […]
Posted on: December 3rd, 2015
In early 2016, if you were covered under a qualified health insurance plan in 2015, you will receive form 1095-A or 1095-B from your health insurance carrier. This form will be sent to you to prove you have met the individual mandate to have health insurance in 2015. You will need to file it with your […]
Posted on: September 25th, 2015
We all know about the Benjamin Disraeli quote about lies and statistics but, in this case, a quote from Ron DeLegge II is more appropriate. He said, “99 percent of all statistics only tell 49 percent of the story.” And, with the ACA, the story is an ever evolving one! That being said, I found these statistics from two […]
Posted on: August 25th, 2015
This an important reminder for all of our clients who are receiving a subsidy for your health insurance. One of the requirements of a Federal Subsidy is that you agreed on your application to notify the Federal Marketplace if anything changed during the year after you enrolled. You must report these changes so the Federal […]
Posted on: July 15th, 2015
The EEOC announced an update to its Enforcement Guidance on Pregnancy Discrimination and Related Issues (“Enforcement Guidance”) to reflect the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Young v. UPS. It explains, by way of example, that if an employer provides light-duty work to a large percentage of non-pregnant employees but does not provide light-duty work to pregnant […]
Posted on: July 6th, 2015
Aetna and Humana Inc. announced on Friday, June 3, 2015 that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Aetna will acquire all outstanding shares of Humana for a combination of cash and stock valued at $37 billion…Read more
Posted on: June 25th, 2015
The Supreme Court of the United States has just released its opinion in the King v. Burwellcase concerning a provision in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and ruled that subsidies will continue to be available in all states, not just those with state-based exchanges. Following this ruling in favor of the Administration to allow for […]
Posted on: April 6th, 2015
If you said “health insurance”, you are close, but the benefit employees want the most is a flexible work schedule. In a January 2015 study done by Quantum Workplace and Limeade, they found that a flexible work schedule was the benefit that 74.3% of employees want, but only 45.8% of employers provide. For more information, click to view […]