We all know about the Benjamin Disraeli quote about lies and statistics but, in this case, a quote from Ron DeLegge II is more appropriate. He said, “99 percent of all statistics only tell 49 percent of the story.” And, with the ACA, the story is an ever evolving one!
That being said, I found these statistics from two very different sources to be of interest. H&R Block issued some interesting tax facts on February 24, 2015. They reflect on how the 2015 tax season and the ACA rules are impacting taxpayers and include:
- Average penalty for no coverage — $172
- Average subsidy amount that must be paid back — $530
- About 1/3 of exchange users getting more of a refund due to overestimating income — amount $365
- A number of taxpayers are claiming an exemption with the leading reason being that the taxpayer’s income was below the filing requirement.
Details can be found at: http://newsroom.hrblock.com/hr-block-taxpayers-following-aca-rules-refunds-take-hit/
HHS posted a “snapshot” of 2015’s Open Enrollment and Re-Enrollment. Highlights of the posting include:
- More than half of the 4.17 million people who re-enrolled in coverage during open enrollment actively selected a plan at re-enrollment. More than one half of those selected a new plan
- 22% of those re-enrolling were automatically re-enrolled into the same or similar plan with the same insurer
- 53% of consumers on the marketplace are new consumers.
Details can be found at: http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/facts/blog/2015/02/open-enrollment-2015-re-enrollment.html
Originally posted by nahucompliance at NAHU.