Properly structured life insurance can provide future tax-free income. Consequently, life Insurance is a significant player in strategic planning – both personal and business. When was the last time you reviewed your life insurance? Are you really, one-hundred percent certain of your current coverage? Is it what you need at this stage in your life? Here is a simple life insurance needs calculator that you can use right now and if you want to discuss the results, we will walk you through them.
Executive Bonus Plan
How do you ATTRACT, RETAIN, ad MOTIVATE your Key Employees? An executive bonus plan uses tax-deductible contributions to fund insurance policies covering the lives of your key people. This plan can overcome the “reverse discrimination” qualified plans have against highly compensated individuals.
Key Person Insurance
Help protect your business against the loss of a Key Person. Key People are the most important assets of your business. If you lose one, you may experience the following challenges:
- Disrupted Management
- Reduced Earnings
- Impaired Credit
- Replacement Cost
- Lost Confidence
- Cash to fulfill obligations to a deceased employee’s family
The Business purchases life insurance on the Key Person. The Business controls the policy and is both the owner and beneficiary of the policy. If the key person dies, life insurance death benefits are paid to the business – income tax free.
Buy-Sell Planning
A business owner’s greatest asset is often his or her business. Ensuring a comfortable retirement means getting the most value out of your business. Life insurance can play a key role to make sure that the owner receives the full value of the business in the event of a business-purchase situation. One common situation is to use life insurance to secure the financing and payment of a closely held business buy-out. A business owner can protect his/her interest in the event of death, disability or retirement. Buy-Sell Planning provides for a smooth transition of ownership. It creates peace of mind, provides money for heirs free from income and capital gains taxes, and it sets a fair market price for buyers and sellers.
Estate Planning Opportunities
Plan now to preserve your estate and your peace of mind. Do you have the right policies for your needs? Have you considered tax planning, liquidity, and inflation? Get a second opinion on your estate plan.
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